Non Disclosure – A problem for all insurance clients..
Non Disclosure – A problem for all insurance clients..
This is one of those areas that you don’t realize you have a problem until you have a claim and you realize that you have made some Non Disclosure – Whether innocent or not it is a major problem for you. – Not uncommon to see insurers turn down claims on what might seem fairly innocent Non Disclosures -It might be as simple as forgetting to advise an insurer about a glass claim for five hundred euro some three years prior to taking ot the policy ..The one thing that the public need to near in mind is that you need to disclose all facts to the insurers that they consider relevant – Not what you consider relevant – and if you are deemed to have withheld a ‘material fact’ the insurers are then in the position of possibly turning down your claim – examples of material facts might be – Non disclosure of penalty points in motor insurance , a claim on another home not being disclosed in a home insurance proposal , Occupation not fully disclosed on a business or liability policy ….. Call our Insurance Broker team in Galway now for more information .