Burke Insurances Ltd Insurance Brokers Galway Emergency Numbers

The Numbers Below are correct as of October 17th 2016.

Note these numbers may change without notice and you need to confirm with the service provider that your policy will cover the benefit claimed for in full.

Emergency Numbers


Insurance Company Breakdown Assist Windscreen
ARB 1890 253 033 ALL GLASS 1890 20 12 12

AUTOGLASS 1800 902 342

AXA 1800 460 460 WINDSCREEN CLAIMS 1800 460 460
ALLIANZ 1800 779 999 AUTO GLASS 1850 36 36 55

MR WINDSCREEN 1800 512 345

AVIVA 1800 448 888 AUTO GLASS 1850 36 36 36

MR WINDSCREEN 1850 512 345

AVIVA FLEET ROI  1800 646 566

NI     01614523198

AUTO GLASS 1850 36 36 36


BUMP 1800 812 228 MR WINDSCREEN 1850 512 345
CHUBB Inside Ireland

1800 242 702

Outside Ireland

353 1472 2098

Inside Ireland

1800 242 702

Outside Ireland

353 1472 2098

DUAL 016 640 009 016 640 009
KENCO 1890 670 670 ALL GLASS 1890 20 12 12
PATRONA 1800 806 800 ALL GLASS 1890 809 804
RSA 01 832 8358 AUTO GLASS 1850 36 36 36
ZURICH 1800 208 408 ALL GLASS 1890 20 12 12


Refer to Broker

01 832 8358

Refer to Broker

AUTOGLASS 1850 36 36 36

Many clients have come on a recommendation or referral and after many years of being our clients, they have become our best source of new business by means of referral of new clients to us . With almost half a century of insurance broking experience behind us, we know our products and markets.

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Useful Links

Our core business is Commercial Insurances – That is insurance of virtually all types for most business. Our clients range from small to medium size enterprise to large scale business. We offer a specialist insurance service to all of our clients.

Our SME insurance is available on our main site below and we have a specialist professional indemnity insurance site on list below also.

Some useful links

Commercial Insurances – Various

Property Owners Insurance

Online Travel Insurance

InjuriesBoard.ie – an independent statutory agency which assesses the amount of compensation due to a person who has suffered a personal injury

HSA website – Guide to Risk Assessment