Event Insurance
Welcome to eventinsurance.ie – Clicking on the link brings you to our specialist site that’s designed to cater for Irish based residents needing insurance for special events.
Eventinsurance.ie is the Irish insurance site for Special Events – Exhibitions – Exhibitors – Cover for Public Liability & Cancellation covers.
When you follow the link to this site, you will be able to obtain quotes for event insurance for many different types of functions – from an AGM to a Sporting Event through to a Jumble Sale . If the quote you require is not available through our online quotations facility, then simply contact us with the details and we will try to obtain a quote for you.
The covers we provide
Remember we can offer once off cover, or cover for multiple events, for both organisers and exhibitors.
Some of the covers below are offered as separate and/or as part of a package, depending on what is being proposed.
Public Liability Insurance
This covers your Legal liability for claims made against you for accidental bodily injury or loss or damage to property in the course of an insured event.
The standard cover is €2,600,000 but we can have this extended up to €10,000,000 if required.
Employers Liability Insurance
Covers your legal liability for injury to Employees or Volunteers whilst engaged by you – in relation to the activities agreed to be covered by the insurer.
Cancellation & Abandonment Insurance
Cover in respect of irrecoverable expenses for cancellation, abandonment, curtailment or postponement due to circumstances beyond your control.
Non Appearance cover
Non appearance of key speaker or entertainer.
The above is a summary outline of cover. All policies are subject to terms limits conditions – more details in the quotation area of the site.
Any questions give Ann, Emma or Michelle a call today on 091-563518.
We can quote you Event Insurance for
- AGMs
- Agricultural Shows
- Birthday parties
- Business Events
- Conferences
- Classic Concerts
- Carnivals
- Computer or Card Game competition
- Children’s concerts
- Christmas Fare
- Exhibitions
- Exhibitors Insurance
- Firework Displays
- Festivals
- Fetes
- Folk Concerts
- Fashion Shows
- Flower Arranging
- Garden Open day
- Horticultural Show
- Incentive Events
- Lectures
- Meeting /Seminar
- Product launches
- Quiz
- Race Night
- Sporting Event
- Shoots
- Treasure Hunt
- Wedding Insurance