Motor Insurance and Non Disclosure
Motor Insurance and Non Disclosure
The Team in Burke Insurances Ltd came across an interesting article yesterday. It stated that A fifth of drivers have lied to their insurer when applying for cover. That equates to 20% of customers who have been economical with the truth when buying home, car, medical and other types of Insurance.
Did you know the consequences of being found out can be severe? Insurers may even cancel a policy which could result in claims not being paid.
Here are some common mistakes people make when applying for motor insurance.
- Being ambiguous about previous claims or convictions.
- Misunderstanding the difference between a fault or non-fault claim. For example, if your car is dented in a car park while you’re not there, in terms of responsibility it isn’t really your fault. But if your insurer had to pay for it, it will be recorded as a fault claim.
- Don’t pretend to be the main driver. This strategy, is known as fronting. It may result in lower premiums. But insurers consider it fraud. Remember the person who drives the car the most MUST be the main driver and additional drivers should only be added if they drive the car from time to time.
- The penalties for inaccuracies such as these can be severe. If your insurers discover these inaccuracies they can simply refuse to pay out on a claim or, depending on the circumstances, reduce the pay-out.
For the best advice and the most competitive quotes call our Motor Insurance team now 091 563518