Flood Insurance – Impact on Home Insurance premiums
Flood Insurance – Impact on Home Insurance premiums
Understandably an item in the news recently. People often ask us about how we think their home insurance premiums will be affected and we thought we’d share what we have heard in general-.
A lot of damage has been done by the storms, but unlike the big freeze up a few years ago it is mainly infrastructural items that have borne the brunt of the damage by the storms and individual homes etc are less affected.
In many cases the properties will have been excluded from flood cover in the first place – so the bills for actual home insurance claims will not be anything like the ‘freeze up’.
This being the case it is likely that insurance premiums for home insurance will not increase dramatically what may happen is that insurers will be re-drawing their flood maps and so houses that may have had flood cover previously will no longer qualify for the cover and it will be excluded at next renewal, even if they didn’t have a claim.. The public never win!! – Call our claims helpline on 1890 799 997 or email is on info@burkeins.ie