Oil Recycling and Petro Industries
We have access to specialist markets for businesses involved in the following areas
- Petrol Distributors
- Hazardous Goods Haulage
- Bio Fuel Distributor and Manufacturers
- Lubricant Blending and Manufacture
- Oil and Chemical Recycling
- Water Treatment Companies
- Environmental Contractors
- Tank And Equipment Manufacturers
Motor Insurance Policy Highlights
Third Party Property Damage
In respect of commercial vehicles the policy provides an indemnity limit of €6,500,000 including the carriage of hazardous goods.
Spillage Cover is provided in respect of liability for damages arising out of the accidental spillage of product during loading or delivery as a direct result of a driver’s negligence. This cover extends both on and off the public highway.
- Crossover/Wrongful delivery Cover is provided in respect liability for damages arising out of the accidental contamination of a third party product as a direct result of a drivers’ negligence.
- Loss of Product – The policy can be extended to cover full replacement of tanker product lost or damaged due to Fire, Theft, Collision or overturning up to a limit of €15,400 or a higher amount as agreed.
- Unspecified Third Party Trailers – The policy can be extended to include cover for any unspecified third party trailer in the Insured’s custody and control. Subject to an overall maximum value of the chosen sum insured.
- A discounted premium is available if an undertaking is given to renew the policy for a 3 year period, subject to claims performance.
Non Motor Insurance
Material Damage Cover available for your property
Cost of stock debris removal and clean-up (following a sudden and unforeseen spillage of product on your own land) €40,000
Business Interruption Cover
Employers’ Liability
With a number of cover extensions including:
- Contractual liabilities – contractual obligations relating to injury to employees.
- Indemnity to principals – contractual obligations to indemnify the principals for their liabilities arising from your performance of the contract.
Public (including Products) Liability Section
- Standard policy provides a €2,650,000 limit of indemnity, however we are able to provide cover up to any higher limit as may be required – Usually €6,500,000
- There are a number of cover extensions including:
- Defective workmanship indemnity available upon request.
- Cover extended to include third party product contamination arising during loading and unloading other than when caused by driver negligence (this cover is provided by the specialist motor policy that would normally be taken out in conjunction with this cover).
- Cover includes third party incidents of pollution or contamination which are caused by a sudden, unintended and unforeseen event, other than where caused by your drivers negligence whilst loading or unloading (this cover is provided by the specialist motor policy that would normally be taken out in conjunction with this cover).
This is a specialised area and to obtain any quotes in this please give Sean or Paul a call on 091 563518 or email them with a request to call you on
Sean Burke sburke@burkeins.ie
Paul Cawthorne pcawthorne@burkeins.ie