Personal Trainer Insurance | Burke Insurances
Personal Trainer Insurance
Being a personal trainer comes with its risks. Where there are heavy weights there are heavy risks and although we can not stop accidents from happening, we can offer you a safety net for when they do. That safety net is personal trainer insurance.
There are many scenarios that can lead to injury in the gym, some I’m sure you’re familiar with. Some simple examples include:
- Dropping weights
- Overloading weights
- Trip or fall over a misplaced weight, bar, medicine ball etc
- Cramping up during an activity can lead to someone dropping a weight or going down with it.
- Even if none of the above happen someone could still injure themselves without proper form and technique.
Affordable and Comprehensive Cover
Here at Burke Insurances we know that insurance can be complicated and expensive.
All you want is to make sure you have the cover you need and that it won’t cost you a fortune.
What’s Included?
This policy is specifically tailored for personal trainers and other health and fitness professionals. It is comprehensive and includes:
- Public Liability
- Professional Indemnity AND
- Medical Malpractice
You can watch the short video below which explains each of these. If you would like to get in touch with a member of our team you can CONTACT US.
Burke Insurances Ltd trading as Hastings Insurance Brokers is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland.